
inconstant sol: Anthony Braxton and the Italian Instabile Orchestra - Composition no.92 - Alto Adige Festival, Bolzano, June 2007

inconstant sol: Anthony Braxton and the Italian Instabile Orchestra - Composition no.92 - Alto Adige Festival, Bolzano, June 2007

I've always loved Italian Instabile Orchestra, for musical and ideological reasons too: finally even Italy (a country with a very low musical culture) should have it's "Orchestre National" or "Globe Unity", or "Instant Composers Pool" or Kollektief or...perhaps a little"out of date", but for a jazzaholic like me being able to see all togheter so many great musicians is a dream come true!!
Worth to say that Braxton's score and direction added a lot contributing to make this a little masterpiece.

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